Monday, November 16, 2015

Thomas & Georgia

These photos are over a year old. Thomas and Georgia are now married and living a wonderful life. And I, for some reason, never posted these photos of their engagement! I'm a slacker. But there is something about these photos that I love so much. Obviously their love for one another shines through, and just brings a big ol' smile to my face. But there's something else. Maybe it's the grain. We were shooting pretty close to nightfall, so my ISO was high. I really love the aesthetic it created - kind of reminds me of film. Anyway! Here are some lovely photos of two wonderful people, one year later. What a fun afternoon we had- drinking beers, playing with puppies, hanging with horses, all while celebrating your love for one another. I couldn't have asked for a better shoot. Love you both!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Brixton, Scarlett and Family : Fall in Skagway

There are so many beautiful families in Skagway, and such beautiful seasons, too. So when Shelly told me she wanted family photos in the fall leaves, I was all too happy to oblige. Check out these photos of the cutest set of twins you ever did see, and a family so full of love for them and for each other.